CLP Virtual Academy Classes Start April 20
All classes are Taught Live Via Zoom
CLP Virtual Academy developed from a need to expand our course offerings due to Covid19 and the increase in demand for classes online. All our classes are taught by our amazing CLP staff who are experts in their fields and passionate educators.
Why CLP"
What makes our program unique is that we are a community of learners and we offer FREE opportunities for families and students to connect with each other beyond the individual classes through our Meetup Group and other online offerings. We are here to support your homeschool journey whether you are a veteran homeschooler or new to homeschooling due to our changing world. Our teachers are warm and caring and go the extra mile to ensure that their students have a positive learning experience.
The same support we offer in our live classes is extended to our new virtual community.
Can I only enroll my child in a class for their grade?
At CLP we understand that age doesn't equal academic level. Please contact us if you feel your child belongs in a class that is not listed for their age.
To open the registration form in a new window, so that you can view the class Catalogue next to the registration form in your browser, click Registration Form
Please note: all CLP Virtual Academy classes must be paid in full prior to receiving the link to the Zoom classroom. There are no refunds for CLP Virtual Academy Classes unless the class is cancelled. No exceptions! Choose your classes wisely!!
You will receive a payment request with payment options when the class has enough students to run and we know the class will happen. Thank you!!
Study Skills
Monday: April 27 May 4, 11, 18
2:30 pm - 3:20 pm
Grades 6 -10
This class covers skills to help middle and high school students improve study habits. We will cover time management, note taking skills, studying for exams, and tips for taking tests.
TEACHER: Traci Tessler
Class Fee: $80
Art Of The Sketchbook
Tuesday: April 28 May 5, 12, 19
10:00 am - 10:50 am
Grades 4 - 8
To become good at drawing you need to draw....every day! Much like you practice an instrument every day. In this class we will explore different drawing exercises, including drawing what you see, doodling, abstract drawing, etc. We will talk about composition, line quality, texture, technique, and even color. Class drawing exercises are about exploring drawing in a sketchbook and will reinforce the drawing process and ideas; not to focus on final results. Each student will need to have drawing paper, a pencil, an eraser, a ruler, and different colored markers. Everyone is encouraged to draw every day outside of class.
TEACHER: Steve Rachwal
Class Fee: $80
Story Journey's - World Geography Through Tales And Tunes
Tuesday: April 28 May 5, 12, 19
11:00 am - 11:50 am
Grades K - 4
Travel the world without leaving your seat. Each class we will visit far away places and experience the cultures through folktales and songs. This is a highly interactive class and students will have opportunities to participate in the storytelling and tell their own tales.
TEACHER: Karen Golden
Class Fee: $80
Writing The Short Story
Tuesday: April 21, 28 May 5, 12
12:00 pm - 12:50 pm
Grades 7 - 12
Short stories are jampacked with the same great characters, excitement, and language of full- length novels, but in bite-sized bits. In this four-week workshop, we’ll focus on one short story mentor text to model as we unpack the elements and process of writing our own stories. Through the writing process, students will draft, revise, edit and share their original stories in a collaborative and fun online environment.
TEACHER: Heidi Joyce
Class Fee: $80
Model United Nations - Mini Summits Online
Tuesday: April 28 May 5, 12, 19
1:00 pm - 1:50 pm
Grades 8 - 12
Model United Nations is well-known for its emphasis on leadership, public speaking, debate, consensus-building, community service, and global awareness for students. Model UN participation is also a highly regarded and valuable asset for college preparation and admission. This dynamic Model UN experience involves creative explorations and simulations of current and historical global issues. Each 4 week session, students are immersed in and debate a major world issue, taking on the role of UN delegates, leaders and historical figures. Students learn to write position papers and speeches, as well as public speaking, negotiation, conflict resolution, problem solving, and presentation skills. Students also learn elements of parliamentary procedure, geography, and the history and functioning of the United
Nations, developing a deeper understanding of our world, its history, its peoples, and the ways governments can work together to solve problems and promote peace and understanding among nations.
TEACHER: Heidi Joyce
Class Fee: $80
TableTop Role-Playing Game Design
Tuesday: April 28 May 5, 12, 19
4:00 pm - 4:50 pm
Grades 4 -10
Tabletop role-playing games (RPGs), such as Dungeons & Dragons, have become a huge part of popular culture and a great way to exercise creativity, practice social-emotional skills, plus gain and improve competencies in language arts, history, math, science and more! Student will learn how to make one from a 30+ year veteran RPG player, game master, and designer.
In this four-class intensive, students will receive a lecture covering:
- The history of RPGs
- The different types of games
- Inspiration
- Doing research
- The business of publishing (copyright and working with artists/writers)
Plus three workshops where the class works together, on each of these areas, on one game we design:
- World building
- Game mechanics and rules
- Scenarios, adventures, campaigns
No experience with role-playing games needed, and veteran gamers welcome as well. A computer with camera and microphone, plus a gmail account (for shared documents and hand outs) is required
TEACHER: Aaron Vanek
Class Fee: $80
21st Century History: Current Events
Thursday: April 30, May 7, 14, 21
10:00 am - 10:50 pm
Grades 7 - 12
This class does not promote a specific political ideology, and in fact, the terms left/right, conservative/liberal, Democratic/Republican are not important, but the issues are. I teach that these are merely brand names filled with rhetoric, and we talk a lot about rhetoric and sources of information. I teach students to understand the different perspectives on current issues, be able to navigate through the plethora of “facts,” and then decide how they feel about the issues. I seek to open the minds of students to see the workings of politics and world events that might not have been so obvious to them. The content for this class is developed each week so that it is current, and I reinforce the material with information and discussions about rhetoric, media sources, etc. We will read articles and watch videos about current political events and have class discussions about how they impact people throughout the world, not just domestically. Students will be expected to read articles or watch videos and do research on the accurateness of the articles and to investigate alternative opinions.
TEACHER: Steve Rachwal
Class Fee: $80
Chess: Welcome To The Game Of Kings And Queens
Thursday: April 30, May 7, 14, 21
11:00 am- 11:50 am
Grades 2 - 10
The old saying goes, "Chess is the game of Kings (and Queens)", and in this class we'll find out why. Chess subtly teaches children all the qualities of a noble king or queen: Perseverance, Nobility, Courtesy, Benevolence, Responsibility, problem solving, confidence, sportsmanship, planning, patience, social skills, critical thinking, imagination and more. And if that weren't enough it's also super awesome fun! In this class we'll start at the beginning to discover all the different characters(pieces) of Chess and background information about who they are and where they come from. Then its onto how they move on the board and the rest of the dynamic rules of this 2000 year old Game of Kings!
TEACHER: Brian Julian
Class Fee: $80
(Six week sessions)
Virtual Speaker's League
Thursday: April 30, May 7, 14, 21, 28, June 4
12:00 pm- 12:50 pm
Grades 4- 10
Come join the fun and take the fear out of public speaking. Modeled after Toastmasters, Speaker's League offers kids the opportunity to hone their public speaking skills through hands-on activities including the preparation and presentation of speeches, impromptu speaking, the use of visual aids, gestures, and vocal variety. The meetings are run by the students and they progress through levels as they master specific skills.
TEACHER: Karen Golden
Class Fee: $120
Science Classes with Dr. Charlotte
Anatomy - All About Our Senses
Thursday: April 30, May 7, 14, 21, 28, June 4
2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
Grades 3 - 5
Come and enjoy learning about our senses! How do our ears, eyes and nose actually work? How does our tongue taste and skin feel? Each week students will make drawings of each body part to create their own anatomy book. Materials needed for the class will be sent prior to the start of the class.
Class one: Ear
Our ear is an amazing labyrinth or bones and membranes that work together to help us hear! We will learn about the anatomy and physiology of or ear.
Class two: Eye
Our eye works as an intricate camera and in this class we will explore the anatomy or our eyes and how they work together to see.
Class three: Nose
Our nose has over 400 smell receptors and can smell up to a trillion different smells! We will talk about how this is possible and our nose work.
Class four: Tongue
Our tongue can taste at least six different flavors, but how does different food taste so different? We will figure that out in this tasty class.
Class five: Sense
Our skin not only protects us, but also makes us able to feel touch. How does this sense work and how do we feel touch and pain in different ways?
Class six: Brain
We know about our senses, now it’s time to learn how the signals travels to our brain and are interpreted by our different centers in our brain. Let’s get fascinated together by how fast these signals can travel and how they keep our body safe and healthy.
TEACHER: Charlotte Swanson
Class Fee: $120
Cell Biology
Thursday: April 30, May 7, 14, 21, 28, June 4
3:00 pm- 3:50 pm
Grades 6-12
How do cells divide? How are genes passed down in prokaryote and eukaryote cells? How does genetics work? In this cell biology class, we will go through how cells divide, preserve their genome and protect themselves from damage. Students will learn about the history of genetics, how dominant and recessive genes are passed down and how to calculate the genotype and phenotype of the off spring.
TEACHER: Charlotte Swanson
Class Fee: $120
From Many Angles, In Many Voices, Multi - Genre Writing Mini - Projects
Friday: April 24, May 1, 8, 15
10:30 am- 11:20 am
Grades 3 - 5
Students develop as expressive and creative writers by exploring and interpreting subjects they are passionate about through a wide variety of genres. Students’ projects act as collages of artistic expression, each piece revealing a different facet of their topic. "Multi-genre writing is an eclectic approach to writing instruction that offers students a wide range of options for expressing ideas and communicating knowledge. As students explore different avenues for translating what they think or know into writing, they begin to understand that there is no single "right way" to communicate. Instead, writing demands intelligent, informed choices based on purpose, audience, content, and personal preference. Giving students the freedom to make these choices fosters their creativity and increases their engagement." (From the Annenberg Foundation)
TEACHER: Heidi Joyce
Class Fee: $80
Filmmaking - From Script To Screen
Friday: April 24, May 1, 8, 15
10:30 am - 11:20 am
Grades 6 - 10
This class will give students an introduction to the world of scriptwriting. From creating characters to choreographing body movements and facial expressions, students will learn methods and tricks for writing scripts and will even be able to create and write their own. This class will show students how to turn their scripts into a short film at home, even if students have limited materials and a cast of one. Unleash your creativity and see how easy it is to become a pro and start your own YouTube Channel.
TEACHER: Talya Tessler
Class Fee: $80